Frances Small lived, volunteered and played her entire life in the town of Raymond. She left her mark on the community with her music, her charitable contributions and her faith.

Now, the town of Raymond hopes to honor Small with a granite park bench to be placed near the Bicentennial Tree planted on the property of the Raymond Elementary School.

Small was born to William and Angie Jordan Cole on March 20, 1906 and died on Nov. 27 last year at the age of 98.

It has been said by surviving family members that she spent her life “on the hill” of Route 85. Her son Linwood Small said that she “lived in the home that is now Ida’s Hair Salon, on the other side of the hill, and on top of the hill on 85.”

Linwood and his wife travel a lot and Linwood said his mother always asked “why go anywhere else this is just as pretty a place there is?”

According to Linwood, at the age of 19 his mother began giving private violin and piano lessons. Frances was a member of the Portland Symphony Orchestra for 34 years. She taught music in Raymond, Casco, Otisfield, Harrison, and Naples public schools. The music room of the Jordan Small Middle School was named in her honor.


In 1990, Frances received her 75-year certificate from the the National Grange. The Grange motto is: “In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, and in all things, charity.” Relatives say Frances lived her life giving. Whether she was reading to the blind, caring for her neighbors, serving her church, baking for charity fundraisers, writing letters for Amnesty International or providing music lessons for area residents, she gave freely. Linwood said her most often used phrase and end to every prayer was “let us ever be mindful of the needs of others.”

Linwood said that his mother “loved to laugh and had a great sense of humor.” Frances also loved to run and according to Linwood would run the 100 yards to the mailbox or to the clothesline for as long as she could. “She became distinctly aggravated in her old age when she couldn’t run anymore,” Linwood said.

Town Clerk Louise Lester is organizing the fundraising for the memorial.

“We want something solid to have for people to enjoy. Something that would be appropriate near the Bicentennial Tree,” she said.

Lester said anyone looking to make a donation may contact the Raymond Town Office.

“The money runs through the town books and is tax deductible,” Lester said.


Thus far, $50 has been raised for the bench, which will cost around $550. In addition, any expense connected with the project will be donated, according to Lester.

The granite bench is slated to be placed on the property of the Raymond Elementary School near the Bicentennial Tree that was planted on the front of the property. The bench will be engraved with her name and the years of service she dedicated to the school system in Raymond.

Donations can be mailed to the Raymond town office. Checks can be made out to the Town of Raymond with a note stating “Small Bench.”

You can contact the Raymond Town Office at 207-655-4742 or mail donations 401 Webb Mills Road, Raymond, Maine 04071.

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