Police arrested a juvenile Wednesday for last Saturday’s break-in at Lampron’s Lil’ Mart on Route 115, according to Lieutenant David DeGruchy of the Windham Police Department.

The 17-year-old Raymond resident was charged with burglary after an officer identified him from pictures caught on tapes from Lampron’s surveillance cameras. Although he is the only one arrested so far in the case, police do not believe he was acting alone.

The perpetrator entered the store by smashing the glass front door which sounded a silent alarm at the Windham police station, as well as an audible warning signal on site, said Lampron’s Lil’ Mart Operations Manager Darrell Clark.

When police arrived, they surrounded the building but no one was inside. The suspect got away with one 18-pack and one 12-pack of beer, said DeGruchy.

According to DeGruchy, many stores use surveillance cameras as part of their security measures but some will use their tapes over and over again. When that happens, the tapes become worn and no longer project a clear image.

But in this case, the tape was in good condition and the picture of the juvenile was clear.

Clark said that, while the previous owners had “significant problems,” Lampron’s had not had any trouble like this in the three years they owned the facility.

When the Lil’ Mart first acquired the property, they upgraded the security systems, adding bright lights, cameras and a better alarm system to protect both the store and its employees, Clark said.

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