As a 23-year resident of Scarborough, I am pleased to have the opportunity to support Annalee Rosenblatt as a candidate for the Scarborough Board of Education.

Ms. Rosenblatt holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in education. She has spent 24 years in public service in a wide variety of roles that will help her to be an excellent Board of Education member.

Annalee Rosenblatt knows how important academic excellence is for our students and she will work to strengthen this in the Scarborough school system.

She also recognizes the importance of parental and family involvement in our children’s education. She will work to create a policy that specifically addresses how family and parents should approach their Board of Education if they have issues (academic, athletic, curriculum, discipline) or any other issues they would like to have discussed and evaluated.

Annalee Rosenblatt will also act as a steward of the taxpayers. She will set priorities; sorting needs from wants and will institute a competitive bidding process. Ms. Rosenblatt wants to continue researching and exploring space needs. She would like options to be presented to the voters at the polls. Each option should be well understood and have citizen input.

Annalee Rosenblatt will get my vote for Board of Education, and I think she deserves yours too. She’s a smart lady and we should take advantage of her experience, knowledge and ideas.

Kathy Schuyler


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