The Westbrook Housing Authority has been selected to receive a $300,000 federal grant for improvements at Larrabee Village.

Housing Authority Executive Director John Gallagher said the money would be used to expand the service area at Larrabee Village. The money is part of $5.6 million in federal funds coming to Maine as part of the 2006 Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Justice Appropriations bill. While the grant has been approved by Congress, the authority won’t receive the money until the president signs the bill, said Gallagher.

Gallagher said the authority plans to expand the building’s community area and construct conference and meeting rooms, allowing residents space to privately meet with councilors or family members.

The authority also plans to look at improving the internal communications system in the building. Gallagher said there are several places in the building where it is impossible to use a cordless or cellular phone, and the authority wants to remove those dead spots, which would require some rewiring and possibly the installation of antennas.

Gallagher said the authority is also looking at improving the building’s security by installing security cameras throughout the building and at all of the doors.

Gallagher is hopeful the authority will be receiving the money soon so work on the improvements can begin. “We’re just trying to do whatever we can to provide security and proper services for our residents,” he said.

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