All-Sate Academic Team

Jeremy Egan, a senior at Windham High School and the son of Mr. and Mrs Donald Egan, of Highland Shore Road was recently named to the 2006 McDonald’s All-State Academic Basketball Team. The awards banquet was held March 10 in the Newman Gymnasium at Husson College in Bangor.

Jeremy has had a stellar four years at Windham High where he has been an “A” student. He has earned High Honors or been on the honor roll all four years, received the Faculty award for third highest academic average FST, one year of perfect attendance, a member of the National Honor Society, National Spanish Honor Society and a class council member. Jeremy has volunteered at Windham Booster events, such as the annual car show and craft fair and has also volunteered at the Maine Public Broadcasting Great TV auction.

Jeremy’s athletic involvement has included: four years of soccer, scholar athlete and SMAA All Academic; four years of basketball, scholar athlete and SMAA All Academic; four years of tennis, scholar athlete, coach’s award two years, SMAA 2nd team and a member of the Windham Wiffleball League and home run derby runner up. He has also been captain of several sports teams and is presently Vice President of the Varsity Club.

Jeremy plans to attend college and major in computer engineering. He has been accepted by the University of Maine in Orono and is waiting to hear from other schools. Jeremy you have certainly made your parents proud and you should be proud of yourself.



Jackie Birt of Albion Road recently spent some time visiting her parents, Eleanor and John Rollins, in Mims, Florida. They went on the Sterling Casino boat and to the Strawberry Festival in Plant City. She really enjoyed the weather, it was in the mid-80’s all week.


There will be a Lake Region Shriner’s Club meeting and dinner Mar. 21. It will be held at Charlie Beiggs Restaurant at 5 p.m. This group meets the third Tuesday of each month.


Katherine Williams celebrated her birthday Mar. 11. It was a quiet day and celebration.



Don’t forget the “cabin fever dance” sponsored by Windham Project Graduation. it will be March 24 from 8 p.m. to midnight (you must be 21 to attend) at Spring Meadows in Gray. There will be a DJ, refreshments, raffles and spirits will be available. For tickets or information contact: Gail Smart 892-4650, Lisa Davis 892-4942 or Jolene Small 893-1304. The cost is $10 per person and some tickets will be available at the door.

Alumni Banquet

This is early notice of the Alumni Banquet so you can make your plans. It will be held Saturday, May 20, at the Windham Middle School. Doors will open a 3 p.m. and a Roast Pork dinner with all the fixin’s will be served at 6 p.m. The cost is $10 per person and reservations are required by May 12.


The Windham Wheelers ATV Club meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the East Windham Fire Station at 7 p.m. For more information, contact Kevin Bailey at 892-0664 or James Melvin at 892-6684. This month’s meeting is Mar. 21.



Bob Saunders celebrated birthday, number 52, on Mar. 1. He enjoyed dinner at Thatcher’s Restaurant with his wife, Linda and friends.


You only have a few more weeks to stop by the Windham Public Library and view the display artwork of artist Varvara Harmon. She was born and raised in Russia but has been a resident of Windham for several years.

Thought of the week:

Random acts of kindness can happen to you, too!

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