
On May 27 at approximately noon, a Shore Acres area resident reported a possible scam. A potential renter sent the resident a $4,500 check for a summer rental that cost $800. The renter, by e-mail, asked the landlord to reimburse the additional money via Western Union.


On May 27, police responded to a Spurwink Avenue area residence for an argument between a mother and teenage daughter. Police referred them to a counselor.

On May 30, police responded to a domestic dispute in the Spurwink Avenue area. One person was drunk. Nobody was physically injured. Police said one person involved in the dispute slept elsewhere for the night.

On May 31, a woman on Mitchell Road reported domestic abuse. Her adult son, she said, was acting belligerent and abusive. Police arrived and found the man heavily intoxicated. Police say it is likely he took multiple unidentified drugs. According to police, the man was stumbling and incomprehensible, and he was taken to Maine Medical Center.


Lost and found

On May 29 at about 1 p.m., police went to Fort Williams Park at the ranger’s request. A cell phone and driver’s license was left there. The items were returned.

On May 29, a Wisconsin driver’s license was found at a local business. It was returned to its owner.

On June 1 at about 4 p.m., a wallet found at Route 77 and Shore Road was turned into the police station by a Two Lights Road area resident. The wallet has been returned.

On June 2, a gold bracelet was found near Robinson Woods. It is being held at the police station.

Little League bandit


On May 29 at about 2 p.m., a Shore Road area resident reported that the Little League concession stand at Plaisted Park was broken into and money was stolen.

On May 29 at about 3:30 p.m., an Ocean House Road area resident reported that the Little League Concession stand at Lions Field was broken into and money was stolen.

Doggie dilemmas

On May 29 at about 2 p.m., somebody reported a dog walking off leash with its owner on Mitchell Road. The owner was warned to keep his dog on a leash.

On June 1, a UPS delivery driver attempting to deliver a package to the Spurwink Avenue area was bitten on the rear end by a dog. The bite did not break the skin and the dog’s shots were current.

Damaged goods


On June 1 at 11:15 p.m., an Ocean House Road area resident reported his deck post was damaged. The post was split and showed signs of rotting. No other property was damaged. Police say the damage could have resulted from a thunderstorm and high winds that day.

Scrap it

On June 2 at 8:25 a.m., an employee from a business on Route 77 reported that several hundred pounds of scrap metal were stolen from behind the business, where they are stored until he brings them to be recycled where he collects $105 per ton.


At about 3:20 p.m., a Scott Dyer Road area woman conceded she’d been duped. Sometime during the last week of May, she received a letter from Canada telling her that she had won $200,000 in an online sweepstakes. Included with the letter was a check for $2,975. There were instructions in the letter telling her that she must phone the company to confirm receipt of the notice of winnings. She called the number and was told her name had been randomly selected from a pool of online shoppers. Every time she bought something online, her name was automatically entered into their sweepstakes, they said. They also told her that, for security purposes, she was not to tell anybody about winning the money.

Following their instructions, the woman deposited the check into her bank account on Friday, May 26. She waited until the following Tuesday when the check supposedly should have cleared and then, as instructed, she pulled $2,975 out of her account and sent it Western Union to a bond office in Alberta, Canada. Once she did this, she would receive the remainder of the money by courier by May 31, she was told. The money was not delivered, so she went to the Credit Union and found that the check was phony. She now owes the credit union $2,975.


Landlord/tenant dispute

On June 2, a former Shore Road area resident reported missing property. The woman was in the process of moving out of a home she rented. She left a note saying she would pick up the rest of her belongings the following day. When she returned the next morning, she packed up a load of stuff, but when she returned later to collect the rest, it was gone. The landlord said, with some help, he removed the remainder of her things. The former tenant, the landlord said failed to pay a $900 water and sewer bill. Police recommended the two take their dispute to civil court.


On June 2 at about 10:20 p.m., a suspicious person was reported in the Spurwink Avenue area. Police found a drunken man matching the description and returned him to his nearby home.


On May 31, Chase Dittrich, 19, of 500 Ocean House Road, was arrested on Route 77 and charged with operating under the influence. He was also issued a summons for illegal transportation of liquor.



On May 31, Anthony Esposito, 44, of 116 Mighty Street, Gorham, was issued a summons on Scott Dyer Road for an uninspected vehicle.

On May 31, Walter Michaud, 18, of 108 Pilgrim Road, South Portland, was issued a summons on Spurwink Avenue for speeding 45 in a 35 mph zone.

Fire and Rescue

The Cape Elizabeth Rescue squad responded to eight calls between May 30 and June 5. Seven patients were transported to Maine Medical Center and one was transported to Mercy Hospital.

The Cape Fire Department responded to a South Portland call at 5:58 p.m. on June 1; a structure fire on Ocean House Road at 2:34 a.m. on June 3; arcing wires on High View Road at 11:02 p.m. on June 3; a fire alarm on Scott Dyer Road at 3:32 p.m. on June 4; a South Portland call at 4:29 a.m. on June 5; an alarm on Ocean House Road at 7:38 p.m. on June 5.

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