
Mr. Robin Shepard, State of Maine Advocate, will be at the Windham Veteran’s Center from 9 to 11 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 8. He will be assisting veterans in applying for benefits. There is no charge for this service, and no appointment is necessary.


Jay Brown, Maines Road, celebrated his birthday Oct. 28. He enjoyed dinner with his family at Thatcher’s Restaurant.


Don’t forget the huge craft fair Nov. 3 and 4 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Pat Riley’s. There will be a large selection of crafts such as rugs, paintings and sewn crafts done by Pat, Rita Bernier and Beth Derenberger.



Don’t forget to vote Nov. 7 in the main gym of Windham High School. The polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.


The Redmen Degree of Pocahontas Great Council session for both Redmen and Pocahontas will be Nov. 3 and 4 at the Governor’s Restaurant in South Portland. This is the 100th year for the session. There will be an out-of-state degree team putting on degrees for the men. The banquet will be Friday night and the sessions will be held on Saturday including the installing of the Great Chiefs.


There will be a public bean supper Nov. 4 at the Windham Hill Church from 5 to 6:30 p.m. The menu will be beans, salads, hotdogs, macaroni and cheese, pies, brown bread and biscuits, coffee, punch and tea. The donaion is $6 for adults and $2.50 for children 12 and under.



The Lake Pine Association met Oct. 22 for their annual meeting. The new officers are: President, Brenda Collett; Vice President, Rita Carey; Secretary, Shirley Atkinson: Treasurer, Josie Morrell, and hall agent, Josie Morrell. The trustees are Marge Hansen, Jerri Carro, Paul Carro, Beulah Mason, Wes Mason, Jerry Hansen and Joan Labbe.

Marriage Intentions

Marriage intentions on file in the Town Clerks Office:

David L. Madsen and Jessica L. McGouldrick, Orion Way, Windham.

Jason B. Nest and Amy B. McElroy, Swett Road, Windham.

Thought of the week:

Relax! You don’t have to figure out the rest of your life today!

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