The Scarborough High boys cross country team won their third straight Class A state championship on Saturday in Turner. And the Cape Elizabeth boys won their second Class B state championship in as many years – also at the Leavitt High School 5k course in Turner.

The Red Storm scored 109 points and they had three of the top 20 runners: Ben Talbot finished eighth (17:15), Travis Griffin took 12th (17:29), and Brecht Moulin placed 20th (17:44).

Scarborough’s fourth and fifth place scorers were sophomore Craig Robinson and junior Ben Violette. Their points gave the Red Storm enough breathing room to top second place Cheverus (126) and third place Lewiston (131).

“They gave 100 percent, there’s no doubt about it,” said Scarborough boys coach Jim Harmon immediately after the race. “Edward Little was leading it at the two-mile mark, Cheverus came on strong.

“Our youngest kid out of the top seven actually finished fourth (Robinson). He had a great race. And our second youngest finished fifth (Violette) for us. The top three had great races, too, and kept us in it. They did everything they could.

“Those younger guys really came through and the older guys did what they’ve done the past four years – they ran strong and ran a smart race.”


Scarborough’s other two runners in Saturday’s competition were Henry Prosack and Ethan McElwain.

The week’s delay in provided all of the competitors an extra week to recuperate from the regionals and train for the state meets. Coach Harmon believed that was a factor in his team’s success on Saturday.

“I think it did help us especially with the younger runners,” he said. “Twin Brook is a tough course anyway so we needed a little recovery time. I’m sure it helped a lot of teams. It might have helped us more with the younger runners. “

Scarborough senior Erica Jesseman was easily one of the biggest stories of the day on Saturday.

Jesseman overcame a 102 degree fever and a nasty sore throat that might have prevented other runners from competing. She not only persevered through her sickness, she also impressed everyone in attendance with her dominating win as the state’s top Class A girls runner. Her time of 19:38 was 15 seconds better than the next fastest time which belonged to McAuley’s Abigail Isleborn. (What would Jesseman’s time have been if she hadn’t been sick?)

“I always go out quicker so I can get a good lead,” said Jesseman. “When I woke up this morning with a severe sore throat, I was praying to God saying that I’ve got to be there.”


“Considering last night there was question she was even going to run, It’s just amazing what she was able to do,” said Scarborough girls coach Ron Kelly after the race.”From the mile-and-a-half to two-and-a-half mile mark she opened up her biggest lead. She had to hang on in the last half-mile, but she’s such a strong runner. She has a will from within.”

Scarborough’s next runner was third place finisher Kaitlyn Saldanha. She also had a very strong run on Saturday as she completed the course in a time of 20:03.

“It was my best race this season,” Saldanha said about her third place finish. “I was seventh as a freshman, eighth as a sophomore. I’ve had my eyes those top spots ever since then. I just went out easy and kept moving up.”

“She ran a super race. She basically ran the race she had to run,” said Coach Kelly about Saldanha. “Our goal was to try and finish third.

“Team-wise I can’t be any happier. It’s a young group. Yes I had three seniors in my top three but the other kids are sophomores. I have a good group. They gained experience (in Saturday’s race).”

The Scarborough girls placed third at Sarturday’s Class A championship finishing with 119 points. Brunswick won the title with 78 points followed by McAuley (85) and then the Red Storm.


Scarborough’s other runners included Hilary Curtis, Whitney Chamberlain, Courtney Robinson, Katrijn Moulin, and Erin McElwain.

The Cape Elizabeth boys made it two straight Class B state titles with a terrific team effort on Saturday. The Capers scored 45 points to ease past second place Ellsworth (82) and third place Caribou (100).

“We made a lot of progress (this season). We didn’t count anybody out, but I think we all expected to win this year.” said Cape senior Ryan Gross. “We ran hard because we didn’t want to get surprised by anybody. We didn’t want to have that same feeling at the end where we thought we might lose.”

“We don’t have any front-runners. We run as a team. That’s what we’re all about,” added Stanis Moody-Roberts.

Moody-Roberts was Cape top runner placing fifth with a time of 16:49. Close behind were teammates Graham Egan (seventh in 17:06) and Matt Rand (10th in 17:18). Cape’s other runners were Ryan Gross (14th in 17:50), Brendan Flynn (17th in 17:51), Curtis Dulac (22nd in 18:03), and Tike MacColl (28th in 18:17).

“Obviously we were a heavy favorite to win the race, but in high school sports anything can happen.” said Cape Elizabeth boys coach David Weatherbie. “I told my guys yesterday (Friday) that it’s going to take 60 points or less. I really felt like if we scored 60 or less we’d probably have things under control.


“They exceeded my expectations today. For us to come in with 45 points, it was an impressive effort one through seven. It really capped off a great season for us.”

The Cape Elizabeth girls were ever so close to winning another Class B championship, but the Capers were edged out for first place by Mt. Desert Island, 85-88.

“We knew it was going to be very close today,” said Cape Elizabeth girls coach Mary Ann Doss. “We knew that we were going to have to be at our best and we were. The girls ran great today. They gave it their all and some of them had their best races of the season. We couldn’t ask for more. I think the girls did a great job today. I’m very, very proud of them.”

Freshman Emily Attwood took the runner-up spot with a time of 20:11 and Erin Gross placed seventh in 20:38. Cape’s other runners included Marisa Turesky (27th), Hannah Doss (29th), Caitlin Pomeroy (32nd), Marita Stressenger (37th), and Amanda Slack (48th).

“Next year we’re going to have a phenomenal team,” said Coach Doss. “Everybody’s coming back and we’re not losing anybody.”

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