Sign ordinance on agenda

The Gorham Planning Board will meet in a workshop to discuss proposed amendments to sign ordinances at 6 p.m. on Monday, in the Gorham Municipal Center, 75 South St.

Gorham planner Deborah Fossum said a sign ordinance subcommittee has been working on amendments for months. The meeting affords members of the business committee and residents to comment on the proposed changes.

The draft amendments, a comparison of current and proposed ordinance provisions and an overview are available in the planning office on the second floor of the municipal center or on the town’s website.

For more information, call 222-1620.

Summer programs at library


A magic show on Thursday, June 21, kicks off a summer program series at North Gorham Public Library, 2 Standish Neck Road.

The series with the theme “Get a Clue” will begin at 9:30 a.m. on three Thursdays.

Trustee Jan Labrecque said Dennis Labbe, “Mr. Magic,” would open the series followed by storyteller Jody Fein on June 28 and a pet show will conclude the series on July 12.

“While they may seem geared toward youngsters, adults will be thoroughly entertained,” said Jan Labrecque, library trustee,

Gorham Woman’s Club

The General Federation of Women’s Clubs/Gorham Woman’s Club budget for the 2007-2008 year was presented and passed by club members at its spring meeting on May 10.


The club completed this year with recognition for one of its community improvement projects. The club received first place from the state federation for providing “Kind News” newspaper subscriptions to elementary students. A certificate of recognition was also received for preparing “State Annual Reports.”

This year the club also sponsored a literary program for toddlers at Baxter Memorial Library. Book bags and donations of books to put in the bags were provided to children ages three through five at the library.

With the help of many hands last fall, the club planted over 200 spring-blooming bulbs in six different areas around the town. The bulbs were pink tulips and daffodils to raise awareness for breast cancer.

Regular meetings are held September through May at the First Parish Congregational Church in Gorham. Guests are always welcome and enrollment is open to anyone wishing to become active volunteers. For more information about the club contact, Alice Keddy at 839-4579.

Art challenge rescheduled

After being postponed,the Great Art Challenge has been rescheduled to 6-9 p.m. on Friday, June 22, at the Art Guru, Main Street.


Several artists challenged each other to paint (or sculpt) the best work of art with the proviso that it should be a current piece that has been started after the challenge (about two months ago). It also has to fit through the front door of the Art Guru and it has to hang on the wall.

“We ask people to come Friday, June 22, to judge who has created the best piece. You are the judges,” said Jeremy Greene, owner of the Art Guru.

For more information, call Greene at 839-6138.

Calling artists for USM exhibit

The art department at the University of Southern Maine and the Art Guru are sponsoring the second annual juried art exhibit, “Retinal Delights II.

Artists from Gorham, Limington, Standish, Hollis, Buxton, Sebago Village and Windham are eligible to enter. The show opens on Friday, July 27, and runs through Sunday, Aug. 5. A reception will be held 5-7 p.m. on opening day.


Prizes will be awarded for best in show and juror’s choice. Guidelines for submissions are:

Original work should be dropped off on Friday and Saturday, July 20 and 21, at the Art Guru, 104 Main St., Gorham, or 9 a.m.-3 p.m. on Monday, July 23, at the university art gallery.

For submission guidelines and more information, call Debe at the university at 780-5460 or Jeremy at the Art Guru at 839-6138.

Peeps fest a hoot

The Centre of Movement School of Performing Arts, 19 State St., is sponsoring its third annual Peeps Fest.

The theme for Peeps Fest is based on baby chicks in observance of Marshmallow Peeps Day. Vicky Lloyd said a workshop and the Peeps olympics will be 4-8 p.m. on Monday. Voting on Peeps art and peep cuisine along with a peep gala will take place 3-8 p.m. on Tuesday.

“It’s a hoot,” Lloyd said. “It’s great fun for the whole family.”

For more informaation, call 839-3267.

Cutline (Bartlett baby)

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