Contrary to the believe of some, Windham citizens have been receiving a quality, all-out effort from some of its leaders. On a personal note, here is a snapshot of some of the issues I have been addressing.

• The fleecing of thousands of hard earned Windham taxpayer dollars on the purchase of one specific vehicle part.

• A failed system that potentially put school buses fully labeled with Windham School Department on them into the hands of pedophiles.

• Failed or missing policies that if improved would make employees and students safer in the event of a distressed situation.

• The spending of thousands of dollars annually on catch basin cleaning that did not happen.

• The purchase of a town vehicle, that unbeknownst to its department head, was in fact, not road worthy.


• The need for fiscal restraint in purchasing vehicles to replace lesser used utility vehicles.

• Additionally, progressive efforts that have been viewed by some as unobtainable, have been brought forth in an effort to give Windham a serious competitive advantage.

Since taking office this past June, councilors Chapman, Davis and I have given the citizens of Windham an all out 100 percent effort to improve safety, spending and the accountability of town leaders. Yes, it is important to understand that we have made some waves with our efforts to turn this ship around – it is also worth noting

that most of the waves are coming from those agents who are resistant to change and continuous improvement.

It is important that the citizens of Windham understand that we are all about the improvement of operational systems. For when you improve the systems, you automatically put our town and school employees in a position to be even more successful than they already are. Last June, Windham voted for no-nonsense, hard-charging, results-oriented councilors who will hold leaders accountable, as such, that is exactly what they have working for them.

I urge all citizens to consider political pundits motives, failings and personal interest when reading the opinions they are trying to convince you of as being worthy. I would ask all pundits to stick to the facts, accomplishments, proposals and earnest efforts when writing. Anything less is a disservice to the citizens of this great town. I urge you to put the needs of our citizens first and foremost. Just imagine what a civil and enlightening read that would be.

Kaile Warren

Windham Town Councilor

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