Thumbs down to Old Orchard Beach officials for dragging their feet on completing a town budget. It’s simply not prudent to still be debating whether or not to raise taxes when the end of the current fiscal year is only days away. The council needs to make a decision on whether to invest in infrastructure or hold down the tax rate while projects are put off.

Thumbs up to the proposal in Biddeford to allow the city clerk to issue business licenses without having to wait for the approval of the city council. There is no need for a business owner to wait weeks to be placed on the council agenda for a simple rubber stamp after going through all the details with city officials, from codes enforcement to fire safety. The proposal would cut out an unnecessary step in opening the doors of new businesses.

Thumbs down to the legislation that has earmarked jail revenues only for jail expenses, throwing the county finances into turmoil. An effort should be made to get a waiver for this year so the county can use the money as planned, in other areas of the budget, and avoid 20-40 layoffs. A last minute change in legislation shouldn’t be able to take down the operation of county government.

Thumbs up to the City of Biddeford and developer Nathan Szanton for working together to amend the process for adherence to parking requirements, to allow redevelopment of the Riverdam mill into a living complex. Szanton will now be able to apply to the Planning Board for a waiver of the city’s parking design, so he can create enough parking spots at the site to appease his financing sources. The decision brings the rebirth of the mills one step closer to reality.

Thumbs down to Bonny Eagle High School administration for their harsh enforcement of strict graduation ceremony rules. Graduation is supposed to be a joyous time for celebration and yes, maybe even a bit of silliness after completing 13 years of public education. A student who makes a loving gesture to a parent or tosses around a beach ball does no damage, but a superintendent denying him or her a hard-earned diploma sure does.

Thumbs up to all of the volunteers, business sponsors and patrons of La Kermesse Franco-American festival who annually make a tribute to the heritage of many area families. Though the block party was eliminated this year, crowds turned out to enjoy the music, rides, foods, shows and culture of the festival once again, enjoying one of Biddeford’s proudest claims to fame.

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