A new year of weekly Tuesday breakfast meetings began recently for Scarborough Rotary Club at a new location – Henry VIII Carvery in the Cabela’s Gateway Plaza.

Club President Karen Vachon thanked Scarborough Downs for hosting the club for five years.

Rotary members David and Jessica Hopkinson were busy cooking breakfast and feeding a packed deli of Rotarians, guests and Rotary dignitaries who attended the kick-off meeting at the new location. But even they stopped to listen when Rotary District-Governor Elect Ann Lee Hussey stepped up to the podium to talk about Rotary International’s most widely recognized project: polio eradication.

Polio is “only a plane ride away,” according to Hussey, who is a polio survivor. Hussey’s presentation – a combination of slides and video – poignantly conveyed how fortunate Americans are to have access to great health care, and wealth, and how guilty we feel to fail those who don’t.

In response to Hussey’s efforts, Vachon promised that Scarborough Rotary’s projects will bear the signature of Rotary International’s polio project. There are 33,000 Rotary clubs worldwide.

“Every club must do their part” said Vachon. “Each cause that comes to Rotary gives us an opportunity to serve.”

By expanding the scope of projects to include local and international, Vachon hopes to expand club membership. Scarborough Rotary welcomes guests who are interested in learning more about Rotary. For more information, visit www.Rotary.org.

Ann Lee Hussey, Rotary district governor elect, addresses a packed Scarborough Rotary Club at their new location at Henry VIII Carvery in the CabelaHenry VIII Carvery will be the new host for Scarborough Rotary Club meetings.

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