Two days of sunshine in a row, uninterrupted by so much as a shower, almost has me fooled into thinking summer has arrived. The traffic thundering by on Route 115 had already announced the season. It baffles me how these vehicles can roar past traffic signs, with the clear view of a traffic light up ahead, and act as though it’s going to magically turn green, just for them. Such a dangerous intersection with several driveways and three roads in the short distance from my driveway to Route 302 – it would seem logical that drivers would slow down, but so far, it hasn’t happened.

I remember years ago there was discussion among town leaders about a bypass road that would take traffic off Route 302 somewhere in back of Manchester School and it would exit onto 115 – that plan, complete with easel presentation, overhead charts and persuasive studies, went the way of many other well-laid plans.

Too many days of rain may have caused too many hours devoted to thinking, and brain overload. I’ve made an excess of “to do” lists during this rainy season, lists that are stuck onto the refrigerator, my second computer and the bulletin board. Most of these chores will die a natural death if I forget to put my glasses on in the morning and don’t notice those fluorescent little pieces of paper.

But the days of rain and brain drain are of little significance when I think of all the fields of hay that have gone by – by now, it’s usual to see a second cutting. While many residents, folks without a farming heritage, praise the beautiful fields and landscapes of Windham, the actual use of these fields may be unappreciated. Farm animals depend on hay crops for their very lives. A shortage of hay means farmers will be spending more than ever during the winter months – will there be a special stimulus payment for that, I wonder?

A recent news program pointed out that farming is growing in Maine, but the individual farms are smaller and more specialized than in years gone by. I think most of us forget that all those displays in the produce and meat departments of our grocery stores, and the many aisles of canned goods originated from farms. Hard, hard work and a summer like this make farming that much more of a challenge.

Food prices for some items have been reduced in recent weeks, but I expect that to change when the fall harvest comes in, especially root vegetables (potatoes, carrots, etc.) and anything that requires sun to grow. Maybe rice will become more popular.

Bless the hard-working farmers, on whom we all depend. This has got to be a tougher summer for them than for most of the rest of us.

See you in a couple of weeks.

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