I have known Liz Wisecup for many years. Liz and I served together on the Comprehensive Planning Committee. I always found her to be painfully straightforward and honest. It is very depressing to read some of the mistruths that have been circulating about town.

Liz is a dedicated, loyal guardian for the rights and interests of the people of Windham. She is always prepared and never comes to a council meeting without doing her homework. She really cares about the future of our town.

I wish that we could return to the time of hard campaigning that was based on ideas, direction, policy and budget, a time when the candidates were cordial to each other. Now more than ever, we need the most qualified, experienced and dedicated councilors that we can elect, someone who understands the art of overseeing our local government and consideration of the needs and wants of the taxpayer in Windham. Please do not be fooled by vague quotes of Maine statutes and suggestions that Liz has done something unethical. She is the most ethical person I know and anyone who knows her will agree.

At a recent council meeting, it was stated that “A person is guilty of official oppression if, being a public servant and acting with the intention to benefit himself or another or to harm another, he knowingly commits an unauthorized act which purports to be an act of his office, or knowingly refrains from performing a duty imposed on him by law or clearly inherent in the nature of his office.” Even though she was not identified precisely, I believe Liz was the target of this message. I do not see any connection with this MRSA 17A Section 608 and what some people are saying Liz did (even if it were true).

She and I have not always agreed on items that come before us, but she has always treated me with respect and does not hold onto disagreements she has had with me. It has been a joy to work with her.

Please consider her when you vote for Town Council at large (one-year term).

David Tobin


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