The high season for shopping has arrived, except for those who are skilled at such acquisition. They are likely to have already reached the end of their gifting lists ”“ unless they have an inkling we’re in for some last-minute mark-downs.

Today is Black Friday, so called because free-spending shoppers are typically expected to wipe out the red ink in retailers’ ledgers. In the spirit of the season, we wish all the shops well this season and hope they make it solidly into the black.

A newspaper editorial might be one of the last places to look for insights into shopping. (The advertisements and circulars in the Journal Tribune are another story ”“ please check them out.) But for those who spend relatively little time in either neighborhood shops or big box stores, this season is an opportunity to learn about the new styles, products, titles and models. When you find yourself interested enough to consider buying something for yourself, it’s likely to make a good gift.

For many households this will be a frugal season. In that spirit, we can also recommend the virtue of practicality. New clothing, reference books and useful tools should never be scorned.

Whatever the circumstances, it’s hard to come up with a perfect gift, but you can always find nice ribbon and wrapping paper. With careful folding, taping and tying, any Christmas present can excite the anticipation and good feelings that are so much a part of this festive season.

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