I am really mortified (that’s scared witless) that so many Mainers and welfare recipients from other states who moved to Maine truly believe that bonds issued by the state of Maine are, in fact, free government money.

What amazes me even more is that some believe that bonds issued by any government agency are really savings bonds. That’s a total shame that the morons in government that want these bonds to pass will do nothing to change this point of view.

And to make matters worse, even Maine’s governor is trying to convince voters to approve these bonds by calling them “jobs” bonds. It’s obvious to me that the governor needs a new job and how about dishwasher at his family’s restaurant in Bangor?

The problem I have with bonds is that they are not free. No matter whether they come from local, county, state or the many so-called semi-government entities like Ecomaine (you know, the company really run by government officials that we can’t control and that includes the Windham town manager).

What exactly are bonds issued by the state of Maine? Very simply, they are a way of luring voters into placing a mortgage on their children’s future rather than making the spending part of the present Maine budget. Why? It’s because bonds are not part of the state budget until payments have to be made. Which means what? It means bonds are not free government money but rather a debt placed on taxpayers and even more importantly, their children.

Baldacci wants to place further financial burdens on us and our children in Maine by bonds. Bonds include an interest charge. Hey John, I have just one question to ask. If you want to create jobs in Maine, why are you going to force us to pay higher taxes in the future?


While I’m stuck on stupid, I am really getting depressed on how the intelligence level of America appears to be dropping faster than that of Congress. A perfect example is when I recently walked into a local convenience store, which had only one customer who was looking at a map of Windham. Even I could figure out that this person was lost and sure enough I was asked for directions to another town.

What I found shocking is that map is nothing more than a street map of Windham from our tax assessor’s office and the person was trying to find another town quite some distance away from Windham. Maybe Windham resembles the state of Maine? But then again I know that there are students in Windham who drive and don’t have a clue where Route 302 is, think that Mexico is the planet’s largest continent and also believe that we never landed on the moon. Even the military had to change some training manuals to read “turn left or turn right” instead of clockwise or counterclockwise because young people didn’t have a clue and that’s because of digital clocks.

I have to check the following to make sure the facts are straight but I was recently told by someone that used to work in a factory here in the United States was shocked to learn that the parts that they made were sent to China because the paint that they wanted to use was not allowed here. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if it was true because all one has to do is look at Chinese drywall and the children’s jewelry being recalled. I can’t even imagine what is going to happen when our medicines are manufactured overseas. Yikes, some already are.

Lane Hiltunen lives in Windham.

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