Portland students nominated
for presidential scholar program
PORTLAND — Deering High School students Jean McCabe, Keleigh O’Neil and Brian Pedro were named candidates for the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program.
Of the 3,000 candidates chosen nationwide, up to 141 will be selected for the program.
Area students named
National Merit finalists
PORTLAND — The following area students have been selected as finalists in the 55th annual National Merit Scholarship Program: Jean McCabe and Nicholas Devlin of Deering High School; Maggie Eismeier of Casco Bay High School; Emily Machesney, of Cumberland, a senior at Cheverus High School.
The National Merit Scholarship Program is an academic scholarship competition that began in 1955. About half of the 15,000 finalists will receive Merit Scholarships.
Portland schools featured
in educational video
PORTLAND — King Middle School and Casco Bay High School are featured in a new segment of “Schools That Work” produced by “Edutopia,” the magazine and Web site of the George Lucas Educational Foundation.
The segment focuses on the schools’ use of expeditionary learning and technology to achieve academic results. The Web version includes eight videos showing interviews with students and teachers and footage of learning expeditions.
The segment also includes tips for project-based learning, a primer for parents, information about Maine’s laptop initiative and free resources and tools.
To watch the feature, please visit edutopia.org/maine-project-learning-schools-that-work.
Sidebar Elements

Portland High School recently held its 31st Annual Induction Ceremony of the Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Chapter of the National Honor Society. Assistant principals Kimberly Wike and Stephen Rogers inducted the following students: seniors, Marianne Anderson, Carlos Ayala, Kristen Byrnes, Andrew Capelluti, Corey Carmichael, Patrick Curran, Max Dismore, Alexander Donatelle, Sean Dowling, Leanne Fasulo, Karl Fisher, Marie Genova, Vesna Glisic, Adam Gould, Eileen Hanley, Cole Hutchison, Liza Iselborn, Jason Knight, Lauren MacDouga, Elizabeth McAdam, Molly Monaghan, William Murdock, Mary Moran, Sophia Nappi, Kimara Nzamubona, Melaine Peabody, Joshua Staples, Simon Thompson, Tim Weber, Emma Wilson. Eleventh grade students inducted are Emma Daponte, Maria DeMichelle, Effie Drew, William Dykes, Mikhaila Fogel, Ralph Houanche, Abbigail Hudson, Shadiyo Hussain-Ali, Melania Jankowski, Nicolette Kapothansis, Caleb Kenny, Lydia-Rose Kesich, Alexandra Kiladjian, Marc Korobkin, Katie Lowe, Timothy Marr, Fazal Nabi, Maura O’Conor, Juel Odulio, Jeffrey Peisner, Stephanie Rogers, Abbigail Scrutchfield, Sumit Sharma, Rebecca Smith, Carl Szanton, Odile Umwanikazi, Jordan Voisine, Katherine Webber.

Breakwater School of Portland took first place in the K-3 division of the 2010 Maine Scholastic Teams State Championship Chess Tournament. The Breakwater chess team consists of third grade students, Samuel Rallis, Ian Youth, and Eric Youth.
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