Thirty-two girls hit the hardwood at Gray-New Gloucester gym this week to show their skills to a new coach and try and make the cut onto the roster for this season. No this wasn’t some sort of spring basketball team, it was the members of the Patriots’ softball team that were stranded inside due to the nasty weather.

First year varsity coach David Getchell said his players look ready to begin the season, and that they’re definitely anxious to get outside.

“I think we’re all happy that it’s just underway. I think when you see the snow dissipate, people get a little antsy,” said Getchell. “The funny thing is with all the rain we can’t get on the fields, so we’re stuck in the gym again ironically.”

Ironic because last season, along with just about everyone else in the state, the snow caused a much longer delay in teams making it out onto the diamond.

“Last year we had to lay down black sand and everything to melt down the snow, so it’s good to not have to do that again at least,” recalls Laura Getchell, a senior on the team.

Laura also happens to be David’s daughter, and the top pitcher on the team. She recorded her 500th strikeout last season, and also had a 34-strikeout game in a 14-inning loss to York. She said that her personal goals are high again this season, but she’s looking more toward team success.


“We have some pretty high expectations, some pretty big goals set, so we’ll just have to wait and see if people step up,” she said.

Coach Getchell laid out his expectations

“Our expectations are to achieve another playoff berth in Class B West,” said Getchell. “We understand that people know we have a pretty strong team and are making assumptions.”

Last year the Patriots lost in the Western Class B title game, falling short of their hopes for a championship. With the return of Laura on the mound, as well as five other seniors, the Patriots will be a marked team again this year.

“The bottom line is we’re not taking anything for granted and we’re just going to go do our thing,” said Coach Getchell.

Even in his first year at the varsity helm, Getchell is already looking towards the lower ranks to try and build a feeder system for Gray-New Gloucester softball. He said that the talent level of some of the freshman trying out has inspired confidence that the Patriots can be a contender year after year.


“I’ve had some pleasant surprises with the young freshman and I see some of the underclassmen with great potential,” he said. “My goal is to set up a program from the middle school and get the ball rolling so everything is in sync for each step up.”

For now though, he’s relying on his seniors and juniors to carry the Patriots this year, many of who are multi-sport athletes. Along with Laura and a handful of other players, junior Alicia Valente one of those players making the transition from basketball season. Valente said the Patriots basketball season ended in disappointment

“We got our time off, but I’m definitely ready to get active again and get back in the swing of things,” said Valente.

Meanwhile, Coach Getchell is just trying to keep his team to remain down to Earth and take each day as it comes to them. He said he’s worried that their success last year could make it easy to take things for granted.

“The mental part of the game could pollute them that way, so we’ve already had a talk with the girls about not expecting to just waltz in and having it happen,” he said.

Gray-New Gloucester senior Laura Getchell fires off a pitch during Tuesday’s practice inside. The Patriots will be relying on Getchell’s strong arm to carry them towards another playoff run this year.
Staff photo by Brandon McKenney

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