Annual CEHS ‘Jazz
Cabaret’ upcoming

CAPE ELIZABETH — The 2010 Annual Cape Elizabeth High School Jazz Cabaret, featuring the Cape Elizabeth High and Middle School jazz bands, singers and combos, will perform two shows – at 7 p.m. Friday, April 9, and at 2 p.m. Sunday, April 11.

All shows will be held in the Cape Elizabeth High School cafeteria. 
Tickets will be on sale at the door for $5 per adult, $15 per family and $3 for seniors and students. Refreshments will be served. 

For more information, please call 799-1277.

Language honor society
inducts SPHS students

SOUTH PORTLAND — The World Languages Honor Society recently inducted 41 new students at South Portland High School, bringing the total group membership to 68 students. 
Newly inducted students include American Sign Language students Elizabeth Canarie, Lauren Christie, Cassandra Diffin, Eli Hemes, Garrett Libby, Alice Ricks, Jenna Susi, Kelsey Witham; French students, Brian Arsenault, Kelsey Berglund, Maureen Blanchard, Michelle Callow, Samantha Drivas, Hailey Grohman, Amanda Junkins, Nicole Laplante, Amanda Linscott, Morgan Lundgren, Christine Luong, and Lilly Pearlman; Latin students, Olivia Ledue, Jessica Maietta, Stephanie McDonough, Callaghan Skillings, Matt Welch; Spanish students, Shelby Aitkenhead, Sydney Damian-Loring, Matt Duranleau, Ben Ely, Felicia Farnham, Brittany Harrison, Evan Indorf, Andrea Kinder, Lindsey LaPointe, Maria Letourneau, Irene Merrow, Arman Mohammad, Katie Murphy, Sam Redstone, Gregory Reinhold and Dominic Tannoia.

Previously inducted SPHS World Languages Honor Society students include American Sign Language students Chelsea Chiamulera, DJ Conley, Emily Conroy, Bobielynn Fisher, Caitlin Geary, Megan Lynch, Katlin Norton, Alexis Preston, and Kalie Swiger; French students Chelsea Bartlett, Matthew Brannen, Kathleen Fritts,  Samuel Knutsen, Chad Macleod, Kate Murray; Latin students Christina Fields, Will Jackson, Kate Lagios,  Olivia Whitton and Seth Woodman; Spanish students Karleigh Bradbury, Nick Brown, Ryan Curit, Kaiya Hansen,  Kristin Jerome, Savannah King, Thanh Nguyen.
The Honor Society is comprised of French, Latin or Spanish students who are juniors or seniors in their third, fourth or fifth year of same language study who have maintained a 93 average or higher for five consecutive semesters. Honor society American Sign Language students may be sophomores, juniors or seniors who have maintained a 93 average or higher for 6 consecutive quarters.


2010 South Portland High School World Languages Honor Society

Sidebar Elements

A cast and crew of more than 60 Cape Elizabeth Middle School students are performing in the 1920s musical, “Thoroughly Modern Millie” Pictured here are students Robert Mackay and Shannon Howard as the lead characters, Jimmy Smith and Millie Dillmount. Showtimes are  2:30 p.m. Thursday, April 8; 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, April 9-10; and 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, April 10-11. Tickets are $5 on sale now by calling 799-8176 or available at the door. All performances will be held at the middle school at 14 Scott Dyer Road.

Students in Mrs. Walsh’s fifth grade class at Cape Elizabeth Middle School, pictured here, held a three-week long fundraiser to support the Red Cross relief efforts in Haiti. With the help of parent volunteers, the class sold hot cocoa to students and teachers, raising $350 to donate to the nonprofit.

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