I am writing to encourage Falmouth voters to support Bonny Rodden and Barbara DiBiase in the June 8 Town Council election. It’s been an enormous privilege to serve with fellow Councilor Bonny Rodden over the past three years. She has consistently shown amazing energy, thoughtfulness and preparation in all council matters. Her progressive values and tenacious questions will provide an important perspective as the council grapples with big decisions like Route 1 development, as well as recommendations from the Community Facilities Planning Committee and the Falmouth Green Ribbon Commission. Rodden will keep up Falmouth’s tradition of fiscal restraint and commitment to our high-quality way of life.

Falmouth also has a great opportunity to elect another smart, dedicated councilor in Barbara DiBiase. DiBiase brings a wealth of business experience and expertise in green energy and sustainability initiatives. Through her past work in Town Hall, DiBiase has implemented cost-saving measures and secured grants that are helping the town at once go green and save green. She will hit the ground running as she guides Falmouth’s future growth in a way that values open space, low taxes and our tradition of good planning.

Cathy Breen, chairwoman
Falmouth Town Council

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