“A White House Garden Cookbook: Healthy Ideas from the First Family for Your Family” (Red Rock Press, $24.95) by Clara Silverstein is a season-by-season account of the garden Michelle Obama had installed on White House grounds.

If you’re trying to get your child to eat more vegetables, this book contains lots of kid-friendly recipes from school gardens and other community gardens around the country.

Silverstein has also included some presidential veggie trivia that’s fun to read. (Thomas Jefferson loved peas, but first lady Hillary Clinton hated them.) There are a few White House recipes in the book, in case you’d like to try your hand at making Jefferson’s favorite pea soup (thickened with egg yolks), an updated version of Martha Washington’s holiday cake (the original calls for 40 eggs and 4 pounds of butter for a single layer) and Ronald Reagan’s hamburger soup.

The most tempting recipe from this administration? The wasabi potato salad that was served at the first-ever luau on the White House lawn.


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