I would like to thank all those people who voted to pass the 2010-2011 school budget for RSU 23. Your support and vision for a better-informed community are truly appreciated.
And to the folks who don’t think the RSU law is working, I would like to set the record straight:
The new school district will be exactly one year old Wednesday. In that time it has been our goal to create the best education we can and still be responsible to the taxpayers in the district. To that end, in our first year we have eliminated eight administrative positions. Some of these individuals were reassigned to other positions and some were not continued. The end result was over $250,000 saved.
At the same time, we added an all-day kindergarten in Dayton, a gifted and talented program in Old Orchard Beach and made technology improvements for the entire district. We did all this and still produced a budget for the upcoming year that was relatively flat.
The Maine Department of Education clearly stated that the purpose of this new law was to lower costs and not to eliminate teachers or schools. In my opinion, that is exactly what we have done!
RSU 23 is a school district whose task is to educate all the students that reside in the district. Our district encompasses the communities of Saco, Dayton and Old Orchard Beach. We spend our money in this district where our needs are greatest. We do not consider municipal boundaries when we solve problems. Any other way would be counter-productive to our goals as a district and to the students’ education.
David Galli, chairman,
RSU 23 Board of Education
Gray Town Council could undo people’s vote tonight
The town of Gray held a referendum vote on June 8, at which parts of the town budget were voted down.
Basically, the voice of the people should have been heard by our Town Council and the budget lowered in cost.
Unfortunately, the council did not listen. Councilors instead jumped to the conclusion that the residents didn’t know what they were voting for. A special town meeting is now set for tonight at 7 p.m.
The warrant for the town meeting is the same as what was on the referendum.
More people show up for a referendum vote than at a town meeting. Is this a way to manipulate a referendum vote?
Is this the direction that we want our freedom to vote to go — on deaf ears? I would not be as upset if the warrants even showed that the council discussed a budget change.
The administrative part of the budget was voted down — which basically does not give the town employees a raise.
How many private citizens got a raise this year? How many have to pay more in rent, insurance, and utilities without a raise?
To me it seems arrogant that the council believed that the people of Gray didn’t know what it was we voted for. I guess the residents must be plain dumb and the council has all the smarts, similar to a dictatorship, not a democracy.
I encourage the people of Gray not to give up their right to vote and to let their votes count. Please show up tonight at 7 p.m. and let your voice be heard again.
Mary Keith
Inconsiderate drivers put neighborhoods at risk
It is a lovely morning here in our close-knit neighborhood. The birds are singing, children are playing in their yards and one can hear the gentle rustle of leaves as a wind visits now and again.
Then, our pastoral morning is rudely interrupted by a truck barreling down our stretch of Route 35 traveling 30 mph over the posted speed limit. Sadly, this is the norm around here, where our speed limit is 25 mph.
We endure all vehicle types (legal and illegal, private and commercial) ignoring the boundaries set by the state. And if one dares to ask someone to slow down, they are met with obscene hand gestures, or worse, they continue even faster on their inconsiderate journey.
There is only one group of motorists who are considerate of our limit: Harley riders.
I, myself, have made numerous, frustrating attempts to quell this perpetual problem.
We have no police department in our town so I have contacted state troopers, state representatives — even a group whose sole purpose is to assist people like me in the never-ending fight to stop excessive speeds in vicinities all across the country. We have had larger signs placed and orange flags installed to better display these signs.
We’ve had speed-monitor trailers brought in. Nothing has curbed motorist behavior.
Wake up, people, and pay attention to something other than what exists within your own little bubble. Driving is, after all, a privilege, not a right.
You are a danger to all inhabitants of these neighborhoods. I cannot imagine you offenders would want the same intrusion where you live day in and day out, for it is unsettling and dangerous.
The next time I mouth a “slow down” to you, please take it to heart, for this is my neighborhood you are endangering.
Michele Paige
Coverage of Portland’s Pride Parade lacked depth
I find it disgusting the way you failed to cover the Gay Pride Parade on June 19. You only ran two photos (one being of a clown) and no story.
I hope all people will stop buying this newspaper. I will work to tell as many more people as I can to do so.
Mike Savage
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