Moore returns from Afghanistan

Bob and Pat Mountain of School Street, Gorham, recently visited their grandson, Thomas Moore, at Fort Bragg in North Carolina after he served a year in Afghanistan.

Moore’s mother and stepfather are Tammy and Peter Woodbury of Gorham.

Moore is a rifleman with the 82nd Airborne Division. “While in Afghanistan, his unit participated in 25 fire fights,” Bob Mountain said. “One of the battles was covered by Richard Engel of NBC and was seen locally on Channel 6 and also on MSNBC.”

Moore has been awarded the Army commendation medal.

“His citation mentions his participation in combat and his selection as a dedicated marksman and of him using his civilian skills in carpentry to assist in establishing the needs and comforts of their base,” Mountain said.


Baxter hosting candidates’ night

Baxter Memorial Library and the Gorham Business and Civic Exchange are hosting a Candidates’ Night on Tuesday, Oct. 5, from 5- 6:30 p.m. at the library, 71 South St., Gorham.

This informal event will give participants the opportunity to mingle with local, state and national candidates and their representatives, who will be available to answer questions and discuss their campaigns.

For more information, contact James Rathbun at 839-5031.

Triad to meet

The Gorham/Westbrook TRIAD will meet at 9 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 8, at the Gorham Municipal Center, 75 South St.


The TRIAD is a coalition of senior citizens, law enforcement officials and community service providers. It works to improve and enhance safety of senior citizens.

Greet pets reminder

The first “Critter Day” in Gorham will be 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 2, in the parking lot at First Parish Congregational Church, 1 Church St.

The event is an opportunity to hold and pet animals and meet their keepers. Admission is free.

Art walk

The first Art Walk has been set for 4-8 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 2, in Gorham Village.


The Art Walk is free and open to the public

Organizer Andrew Coffin said participants, which will be members of the art community and businesses, would have a green balloon outside their doors. The art walk will continue on the first Saturday of each month.

If artists in Gorham would like to participate in the next walk, they can contact Coffin, who will connect them with a local sponsor.

Coffin can be contacted by e-mail

Dance studio

offers outreach


A no-cost outreach program, Breath of Life Dance, offered by The Dance Studio of Maine, 6 School St., was created for children who yearn to dance, but can’t because of the cost.

The outreach will provide a dance opportunity for 16 children, ages 6 -12 years old, who will be selected through a simple application process. Those interested should apply by Friday, Oct. 15, by e-mailing

Two classes will be offered each Saturday beginning Nov. 6 and continuing through a recital in June. Each class will be open to eight dancers.

Classes for children ages 6-8 will be 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. This class will focus on ballet/jazz basics and work on creativity and expressions of dance. The students will learn dance technique and be given the opportunity to choreograph, all the while having fun and gaining personal confidence.

Classes for ages 9 through 12 will be 12-1 p.m. This class will focus on the ballet/jazz basics along with movement and creativity. There will be more in depth stretching than the first class.

U.S. taxpayer debt

The Bureau of Public Debt reported on Sept. 24 that the U.S. public debt was $13,466,818,283,723.48.

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