In a Jan. 4 column, “Maine should lead on progressive immigration reform,” Ralph Carmona, vice chair of the Portland Democratic City Committee, made some false statements concerning the DREAM Act.

Before reaching her decision to vote against a motion to consider this legislation with very little time left in the last congressional session, Sen. Susan Collins talked with many proponents of the bill, including Maine’s Roman Catholic and Episcopal bishops, as well as other advocates.

She agrees that our current immigration laws are in need of major reform.The DREAM Act is an attempt to recognize the difficult status of individuals whose parents brought them into this country illegally through no decision of their own. But there were many controversial aspects of this particular bill, such as the cut-off age for its application and the fact that an individual could be convicted of three misdemeanors and still qualify, that deserved a full debate.

Sen. Collins is hopeful Senate leaders will allow for a thorough debate in the upcoming session of Congress.


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