BOSTON – Steven Grossman, who was elected Massachusetts treasurer last year, solicited campaign donations for the state Democratic Party from lawyers and executives of firms that have business before him, seek treasury work or are regulated by his office, according to campaign finance filings.

The Boston Globe reported Sunday that Grossman then received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the party.

Grossman said he made numerous calls to potential contributors but that his fundraising was part of an effort with Gov. Deval Patrick and other party leaders.

“Nobody should have any illusion that they would get special treatment from Steve Grossman for contributions to my campaign or the Democratic Party,” he said.

No law was broken but campaign finance reform advocates say a loophole was used to avoid disclosures and limits on contributions to candidates.

Grossman and party leaders say the arrangement gave him a way to raise more money for his race against Karyn Polito.


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