AUGUSTA — Gov. Paul LePage may have delayed announcing his choice for education commissioner today, but his senior education policy adviser said this morning he is being considered for the post.

Stephen Bowen, Gov. LePage’s senior policy adviser on education, said he’s “under consideration” for the job of leading the Department of Education, according to Bob Kautz, the executive director of the Maine Coalition for Excellence in Education.

Bowen’s remarks came during a legislative breakfast Wednesday morning sponsored by the coalition.

Reached in his office later Wednesday morning, Bowen didn’t confirm he was the administration’s nominee for education commissioner, but he said Gov. LePage had “forwarded a name” to the State Board of Education.

That candidate was to meet with the State Board in an executive session Wednesday, following the board’s regularly scheduled 1 p.m. meeting.

Maine law requires the State Board of Education to meet candidates for the commissioner’s job and send a “written appraisal” of the candidates to the governor’s office before the governor can announce the nomination.

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