I encourage the voters of Falmouth to approve the renovation and reuse of the land and buildings at Lunt and Plummer-Motz schools.

We have a unique opportunity to convert the Lunt building into the Falmouth Memorial Library and potentially turn Plummer-Motz into our Community Center.

Imagine a place where a farmers market might set up once or twice a week in the existing playground between these buildings and where residents and visitors of Falmouth could meet? We could make this a centerpiece for our community with no tax increase. Falmouth residents and taxpayers enjoy one of the lowest mil rates in Cumberland County and guess what? This will not change with your vote to preserve this valuable property.

Some naysayers and pundits think there is no need to expand the library and believe Kindles and iPads will be the death knell of books and libraries. Well, if my Friday afternoon visit to the library is any indication, the demand for books and videos and research is alive and well and our library is bursting at the seams. At 4:45, there was a long line at the circulation counter for books and videos. Libraries are thriving and serve as a social and educational center for many communities.

Please vote yes on June 14.

Jill McGowan

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