AUGUSTA — The State House was dormant today as legislators, who had just finished work on a new two-year state budget and scores of other bills, began a late-session break. But they’ll have plenty to do when they return to work later this month to wrap up business for the 2011 session.

After giving final approval to a $6.1 billion, two-year state budget, weary legislators debated a few more bills Thursday night before calling it quits until June 28.

The break is mainly to give legislative staffers time to catch up with paperwork, particularly the 80 or so non-budgeted bills that have been set aside until lawmakers decide whether they are worthy of scarce funding available. Those bills need amendments and other revisions before final votes can be taken on whether to fund them, a process that will consume at least 48 hours of staff time, Senate President Kevin Raye said today.

Rather than have legislators milling about for hours waiting for bills to trickle in, leaders sent them home Thursday to rest up.

“It seemed like a better use of time to let the people go home,” Raye, a Republican from Perry, said today before setting out for his own home district in Washington County.

Besides taking up possible vetoed bills Gov. Paul LePage could send back and those awaiting funding decisions, legislators will deal with two or three dozen pieces of legislation that have yet to be resolved.


There were no indications today that LePage had plans to veto any of the bills awaiting his review or that he would reject the budget. His ability to invoke line item veto power on budget provisions evaporated this afternoon because the law limits the time a governor can outline his or her objections.

Among the bills still left to consider June 28 is one to authorize charter schools, an issue that’s been lingering since last fall’s gubernatorial campaign. LePage, Maine’s first Republican governor in 16 years, has taken a strong stand in favor of charter schools, which are set up to improve the performance of students who don’t do well in traditional schools.

A bill that awaits final action would allow no more than 10 public charter schools in the first 10 years. It also would limit the number of students who can attend them in the first three years to protect smaller non-charter public schools.

In a pitch for charter schools today, LePage said he would sign the bill if it’s sent to him.

“This is about giving students choices in their education that will help them succeed,” LePage said. “Every student deserves an education that works for him or her, and public charter schools, which are approved and working in 40 other states, are one more way we can reach those children.”

Also awaiting final action is a bill to allow sales of fireworks. A measure that’s won preliminary House approval creates a regulatory framework for the legal sales and use of so-called consumer fireworks, which include firecrackers, morning glories and other explosive products but not the types of fireworks that light the sky for the public on the Fourth of July. The bill would not take effect until September.

Another pending bill addresses the contentious issue of Canadian loggers working in Maine forests. It seeks income tax credits for logging companies that employ Maine residents. An amendment seeks credits instead for tax paid on fuel used for logging.

Those are in addition to the bills set aside to compete for a share of roughly $600,000 in funding. The Appropriations Committee plans to return next Thursday to make preliminary decisions on what gets funded.

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