PORTLAND – Organizers of an effort to make enforcement of laws against marijuana possession a low priority in the city say they will make another push for signatures in anticipation of an emergency measure that would give them more time.

The Portland City Council will consider the emergency extension, sponsored by Councilor David Marshall, on Monday.

It would give Sensible Portland 10 days to gather the 93 valid signatures needed to put the measure on the November ballot.

The group gathered what appeared to be enough signatures to put the item on the ballot and turned in petitions ahead of time, but more than a third of the signatures were ruled invalid by the city clerk’s office.

State law allows for a 10-day extension on referendum petitions if invalidated signatures cause the effort to fall short of the number needed. Marshall’s proposal would align the city’s ordinance with state law and also make the rule effective immediately, giving Sensible Portland more time.


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