Bachmann calls for wall at border of U.S., Mexico

Presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann on Tuesday called for a wall on the border with Mexico and suggested that billionaire Warren Buffett should write a big check to the government if he’s eager for higher taxes on the wealthy.

Bachmann, R-Minn., began a three-day swing through this early GOP primary state fresh off a narrow straw poll victory last week in Iowa over Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas.

Bachmann said lax enforcement of immigration laws was a threat to the nation’s security. She agreed with a town hall questioner at a Greenville stop that U.S. troops should be redeployed from South Korea to south Texas.

“How do you solve it? You build a barrier, a fence, a wall — whatever you want to call it. You build it,” Bachmann said.



Poll puts Perry in first place among Republican hopefuls

Just days after announcing his candidacy, Texas Gov. Rick Perry has jumped into first place in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, grabbing the lead from former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports poll.

Perry was the favorite of 29 percent of the poll respondents. Romney came in second with 18 percent. And Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, winner of Iowa’s straw poll Saturday, was third with 13 percent. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, a close second in Iowa, was fourth in the Rasmussen poll with 9 percent.

Though 16 percent of the respondents to the Rasmussen survey were undecided about the candidates, pollster Scott Rasmussen said Perry’s ascent into an 11-point lead “marks a significant jump in support.”

The national survey was conducted Monday night among 1,000 likely Republican primary voters.



Birthday wishes for Elvis marked wrong anniversary

GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann got her Elvis Presley dates all shook up on a campaign stop Tuesday in South Carolina.

She played the Elvis tune “Promised Land” at a local restaurant and told the crowd of 300 that she wanted to say happy birthday to the king of rock ‘n’ roll.

“Before we get started, let’s all say happy birthday to Elvis Presley today!” Bachmann said.

But Aug. 16 is the anniversary of Elvis’ death, in 1977, and someone in the crowd shouted back, “He died today!” Bachmann didn’t respond and launched into her speech.

Bachmann corrected herself later as she spoke with reporters, noting the date marked Presley’s passing, not his birth. He was born on Jan. 8, 1935.

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