SCARBORUGH – Town Council Chairwoman Judith L. Roy, who was charged by Scarborough police last weekend with operating under the influence of alcohol, did not attend Wednesday night’s regular council meeting.

No one remarked on the incident during the general public comment section of the meeting or at the end of the meeting when individual town councilors are given the opportunity to make comments. Also absent from the meeting was councilor Ronald D. Ahlquist.

Vice Chairman Michael Wood presided over the meeting in Roy’s absence.

Police Chief Robert Moulton has said Roy was stopped by officers around 10 p.m. Saturday night on Black Point Road after another motorist contacted police to complain about a driver.

Moulton said Roy was taken to the Scarborough police station, where she was issued an OUI summons and released.

After Wednesday night’s three-hour meeting ended, Town Manager Thomas Hall said he was not sure why Roy was unable to attend.

Hall referred all questions to Roy.

Attempts to reach Roy have been unsuccessful.


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