Dana Cuomo has starred on TV and in films, appearing in such popular shows as “Desperate Housewives,” “My Name is Earl” and the “CSI” series set in both New York and Miami.

This week, she brings her act to the stage for a three-week run of the comedy “Bad Dates,” presented by the Good Theater at the St. Lawrence Arts Center in Portland.

“I got 550 pictures and resumes” from actresses who wanted to audition for the show, said director Brian P. Allen. “I pulled 25. Dana was the first person I saw, and no one else had a chance. She came in with two scenes memorized, props and a costume change — and she made me laugh.”

The one-act, 90-minute comedy begins the 10th anniversary season for the Portland-based theater company.

Written by Theresa Rebeck, “Bad Dates” tells the story of a single mother and restaurant manager who is wading back into the dating scene in her 40s. The character, Haley Walker, recounts a series of bad dates in an ongoing monologue to the audience.

It’s funny, saucy and sexy in a PG-13 sort of way. Cuomo isn’t shy about changing clothes on stage.


Her character has a shoe fetish. The stage, designed by Good Theater co-founder Stephen Underwood, is rimmed with more than 100 pairs of shoes. High heels, lifts, flats, casual shoes, dress shoes — any and all styles, and Cuomo’s character finds her way into many of them during the course of the show. She makes no bones about being a committed shoe-oholic.

“I’ve always wanted to do a one-woman show,” Cuomo said. “I had not seen this show before; I had heard of it. When I read it, I thought, ‘Wow, this is my life.’ Any woman in her 20s, 30s and even older has been through all these horrible dates.”

Cuomo, who lives in New York, has been to Maine many times for fun. This is her first time working here. She lived for many years in Los Angeles because of her career in TV and films. She moved to New York about two years ago to get back into stage acting, which she loves.

“I love the process of theater,” she said. “Sometimes the technical aspect of TV and film doesn’t allow you to build up your character. I’m looking forward to doing that.”

Staff Writer Bob Keyes can be contacted at 791-6457 or at:


Twitter: pphbkeyes


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