The Portland Press Herald published an editorial on Sept. 28 expressing the idea that the state had erred in making fireworks legal again.

The argument was that it would force local municipalities to set ordinances for the use and sale of fireworks and that these different ordinances might cause confusion. Because the editorial was not signed, I have to wonder whose view that really is.

Is it the Press Herald’s? Or is it the people of Portland’s view? Long has the state of Maine been subjected to Portland’s overregulation and nanny-state mandates.

Whether it was the prohibitionist Mayor Neal Dow or more recently this editorial, it seems to me that Portland’s favorite pastime is to foist its statist values and infantilize the unsuspecting communities around it.

I only hope that come the first, second and third of July, when I am celebrating independence in Scarborough by responsibly lighting off some stupendous fireworks, the people of Portland will see the light of freedom. Then they can remember the darkness over their own roofs when the time comes to elect their city councilors.


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