PORTLAND — An accountant from Brunswick and a research analyst from Cape Elizabeth are among those singled out this year for their service to Maine’s court system.

Ravi Jackson, an accountant for the Administrative Office of the Courts, is Outstanding Judicial Employee of the Year.

Chief Justice Leigh Saufley of the Maine Supreme Judicial Court praised Jackson as instrumental in the judicial branch’s adoption of new software and accounting systems and for his key role in the implementation of electronic timekeeping records.

Sherry Wilkins is the recipient of the Judicial Branch Career Performance Award. She has served in the judicial branch for more than 24 years, most recently as a research analyst who reviews legislation for its fiscal impact. Saufley said the colleagues who nominated Wilkins recognized her wealth of knowledge, patience and sense of humor.

The Special Service Award went to Adam Raymond of Bangor. Raymond designed and implemented a new computer software distribution system that will be used in all 39 court locations, has improved the video conferencing system and was key in migrating the court to a new email system.

The Roy Rice Award for outstanding contribution to the well-being of judicial branch employees went to Mike Palenski of the Kennebec County Sheriff’s Department and the Judicial Marshal Team in the Hancock County Courthouse.


The Judicial Branch Volunteer of the Year Award went to Jennifer Monsulick of Readfield. The Bates College senior assisted in the Family Treatment Drug Court in Lewiston and conducted research on protective custody dispute settlements.


Staff Writer Ann S. Kim can be contacted at 791-6383 or at: akim@pressherald.com


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