BRUNSWICK — “Ray has the rare gift of being as developmentally appropriate with 4-year-olds as with 84-yearolds as he shares with them his love of music,” said Senior Pastor Mary Baard as the church prepares to mark 25 years of music ministry by Ray Cornils. “His longevity of service at First Parish Church continues to bear fruit in the ways of the Spirit. We are very grateful for his presence in our midst.”

On Sunday, two pieces of music that were commissioned in recognition of Cornils’ ministry will be part of the 10 a.m. morning worship.

A reception will follow in the fellowship hall.

“Gifts of the Spirit” is an intergenerational piece for combined choirs. Cornils asked that the theme of the text be “fruits of the Spirit.” The Music Committee of First Parish Church approached David Bellville to write the text. Bellville is Cornils’ partner, so there is a personal connection. Bellville is also the vicar of The Church of the Good Samaritan, an alternative ministry that meets in the chapel at First Parish, so they called on his pastoral creativity.

Margaret R. Tucker composed the music. Tucker and Cornils have known each other over the years through the UCC musicians’ organization. With the assistance of the Choristers Guild, which has a great commitment to children’s and intergenerational music for churches, according to a news release, the piece will be published in the fall.

“Coastal Spirit” is a handbell composition. The Parish Ringers handbell choir at FPC surprised Cornils with this piece, which was composed by Kevin McChesney.

There will be a reception in Fellowship Hall immediately following worship. Everyone is welcome to join.

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