BRUNSWICK — Professor Dykstra Eusden from the Geology Department at Bates College will give a talk titled “ Geology of Maine by Sea Kayak: A College Course Worth Taking!” at 7 p.m. Feb. 27 in the Morrell Meeting Room at Curtis Memorial Library, 23 Pleasant St.

Eusden’s research is on the bedrock geologic history and ancient tectonics of the Presidential Range of New Hampshire and coastal Maine as well as active tectonics, faults and landscape geomorphology in New Zealand.

Most years since 1992 Eusden has led a course in late April and May called “Geology of the Maine Coast by Sea Kayak.” This class explores the 600 million years of geologic history that is preserved in the rock exposures of the Maine coast.

The course includes four one-week bedrock mapping projects of coastal exposures on offshore islands. Islands in Casco Bay, Penobscot Bay and Down East Maine are used as both base camps and field sites for these projects.

Eusden will talk about the course and share the geological journey in his presentation.

The talk is sponsored by Cornerstones of Science. No registration is required. The snow date is Feb. 29.

For more information, call 725-5242 extension 510.

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