Not many in Brunswick knew that Thursday was International Women’s Day, said resident Debbie Leighton, but about 100 people outside the Tontine Mall found out.

Leighton joined five other women Thursday afternoon, handing out yellow flowers and cards to mark and explain the day that Leighton said some were surprised to find out about.

“We, in our small way, are getting the information out,” Leighton said.

The card the group handed out tells the history of the observance, which began around 1908 “ when 15,000 women marched for better working conditions,” the card states.

For 2012, the card indicates, the United Nations theme for the day is “ Empowering Rural Women — End Hunger and Poverty.”

Leighton said that the group’s 100 flowers and cards were gone in about 30 minutes. She hopes the group can raise more money for next year’s event, which she was excited to spread the word about.

“One woman said she was going to a meeting later today and would share information about the day with that group,” Leighton said. “Another said she would be posting it online.”

For more information on International Women’s Day, visit

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