AUGUSTA — About 20 people shivered in the cold this morning on the granite portico at the Kennebec County Superior Courthouse, most holding signs saying, “Hands Off My Healthcare.”

“We’re pointing to the major rally in Washington, D.C.,” said organizer Carol Weston, Maine director of Americans for Prosperity. She said rallies were scheduled in 10 other cities across the country.

Today’s rally in the state capital also coincides with President Obama’s health care law being argued in the U.S. Supreme Court. Weston said the group objects in particular to the individual mandate to purchase health insurance, the topic being addressed in the federal court today as part of the Affordable Care Act.

“We believe it’s unconstitutional,” Weston said. “We’re just making a point.”

During the rally, Weston told those gathered, “We are not going away. We are a free people. We will work, we will sacrifice and we will vote to remain so.”

Diana and Parks Holcomb drove from Norway to take part in the rally.

“Health care, the way it’s being proposed, is not constitutional,” said Parks Holdcomb. “The bill has too many rules and regulations.”

Diana Holcomb said she would prefer a plan with more free market options.

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