Scarborough Academic Decathlon team 4th at nationals

SCARBOROUGH — The Scarborough High School Academic Decathlon team recently placed fourth in their division at the Academic Decathlon Nationals in Albuquerque, N.M.

Senior Mike Bamford won bronze in science and team captain Susan Rundell won silver in both essay and music and gold in language/literature and super quiz. She also won first place overall for the division.

Local students win National Merit Scholarship

EVANSTON, Ill. — Cape Elizabeth High School seniors Ethan DiNinno and Julia G. Hintlian, along with Scarborough High School seniors Alexander M. Henny and Susan M. Rundell, were selected as National Merit Scholars.

The students were chosen from 15,000 finalists and will each receive a $2,500 scholarship.

Cape Elizabeth High School Honor Roll quarter 2

Grade 12 High Honors: Ethan DiNinno, Kevin Flathers, Emily Ham, Julia Hintlian, William McCarthy, Charlotte Rutty and Lindsay Stephen.

Grade 12 Honors: Alyssa Allain, Jessica Allen, Noah Backer, Vanessa Blair-Glantz, Nathan Botelho, Thomas Bottomley, Nicholas Breed, Brian Brett, Victoria Brigham, Kathryn Cavanaugh, Shelby Cogan, Olivia Cooper, Alexandra Dunton, Rebecca Eisenberg, Theodore Farnsworth, Lauren Gamble, Maxwell Gore, Paul Hamerski, John Harrison, Thomas Janick, Alexis Johnson, Zoe Johnston, Heather Kraft, Timothy Lavallee, William LeBlond, Sasha Lennon, Connor Logan, Ziana Merlim, Emily Mitchell, Maria Morris, Claire Muscat, Miranda Newman, William Norris, Lane Parrish, Anna Pezzullo, Matthew Pierce, Matthew Propp, Maggie Rabasca, Jonathan Rice, Thomas Robinson, Charles Salerno, Elin Sonesson, Timothy Stack, Melissa Stewart, Lyndsey Tanabe, Catherine Tierney, Jacob Wasserman and Noelle Webster.


Grade 11 High Honors: Ian Andolsek, Josephine Barth, Moriah Brown, Griffin Carpenter, Daniel Epstein, Matthew Gilman, Francesca Governali, Zachary Hillman, Emma Inhorn, Brett Parker, Samuel Sherman, Alex Silva and Kisa Tabery.

Grade 11 Honors: Ryan Allmendinger, Julianne Ayers, Max Barber, Clifton Bauman, Jacob Brady, Allison Briggs, Anna Brogan, Abigail Buhrman, Justin Cary, Harper Chalat, Nolan Chase, Harrison Clarke, Meghan Clifford, Deirdre Curran, Travis DeLano, Marlo Dell’Aquila, Seth Dobieski, Maam Fall, Glenn Findlay, Robert Freccero, Madeline Gears, Sydney Glazier, Courtney Guerrette, Abby Hunter, Anastasia Kouros, Jeanette Lalouche, Charles Laprade, Stefan LaRose, Jonathan Lynch, Erin Lyons, Catherine Macdonald, Laura MacKay, Connor Maguire, Erin McGlynn, Lillian McMullin, Ali Mohamedi, Meaghan Monaghan, Jessica Morgan, Nolan Morris, Ariana Mortello, Shannon Nicholson, Mireia Odlin, Piper Otterbein, Talia Pappas, Rudolf Pelzer, Peter Pfister, Madelaine Riker, Charlotte Sawyer, Emily Spidle, Rohit Srungavarapu, Brent Staples, Lauren Steidl, Emily Tall, Natalie Underdown and Cameron Wilson.

Grade 10 High Honors: Jordan Greer, Kevin Hare, Quinn Malter, Emma O’Rourke and Jack Tierney.

Grade 10 Honors: David Allen, Amanda Barnett, Ciara Bethel, Ysanne Bethel, Allison Bowe, Daniel Brett, William Britton, Anthony Castro, Heather Chase, Elizabeth Cloutier, Mitchell Cohen, Ethan Duperre, Lucas Dvorozniak, Dylan Egeland, Trevor Ewald, Matthew Fisher, Sarah Flaherty, Elise Flathers, Trevor Gale, Henry Gent, Zoe Gillies, Anna Goldstein, Audrey Grey, John Hall, Caroline Herriman, Andrew Hollyday, Dorothy Janick, Mikaela Kohan, Montserrat Kwan, Mackenzie Leighton, Gabriel McGinn, Katherine Miklavic, Sophie Moore, Kayne Munson, Hannah Newhall, Matthew Oberholtzer, Rebecca O’Neill, Hailey Petsinger, Seth Queeney, Katie Rabasca, Elizabeth Raftice, Natalie Rand, Matthew
Reale-Hatem, Deven Roberts, Nathan Rose, Hannah Rosenfield, Anne Russell, Stuart Rutty, Ian Schrank, Friederike Selbach, Nicholas Shedd, Phoebe Shields, Liam Simpson, Colin Smith, Sarah Stacki, Jane Vaughan, Emily Wasserman and Addison Wood.

Grade 9 High Honors: Mathias Barth, Sierra Bates, Aaron Dobieski, Rhoen Fiutak, Thomas Gleason, Walker Grimes, Robert Harrison, Brette Lennon, Daniel Menz and Hannah Preble.

Grade 9 Honors: Curtis Alexander, Holden Amorello, Talus Andolsek, Paul Calande, Matthew Chipman, Kathryn Clark, Nicole Cloutier, Mark Coleman, Anthony DeMarco, Parker Dinsmore, Jack Drinan, Katherine Ewald, Emily Faria, Edward Galvin, Caroline Garfield, Luke Gilman, Julia Ginder, Thomas Gleeson, Sarah Hagos, Andrew Harrington, Luke Harrison, Noah Haversat, Taylor Herrera, Lily Jordan, Eamon Kelley, Kyle Kennedy, Emma Landes, Rachel Lockwood, Sarah Loring, Emily Lynch, Samuel MacDuffie, Robert MacKay, Devin Maguire, Olivia Mantsch, Ethan Murphy, Wyatt Page, Nicholas Pellechia, Michaela Pinette, Monica Planinsek, Noah Robinson, Kirsten Rudberg, Maci Russell, Hannah Saturley, Hannah Sawyer, Rachel Seekins, Sairah Shir, Benjamin Stanley, Acadia Stewart, Lindsay Stewart, Charles Tall, Andrew Volent, Leo Wing, Claire Zimmerman and Sarah Zucchero.

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