Greg Kesich’s recent column suggesting that candor makes state Sen. Cynthia Dill unelectable disregards history and sells short both Maine voters and Sen. Dill (“Democratic primary voters have to put candidates to the test,” May 2).

As Mr. Kesich acknowledged, Cynthia is an articulate champion for Maine’s workers and women; she is also, however, a proven advocate for the small businesses that employ those workers and the educational institutions that will be the foundation of Maine’s future.

And Sen. Dill, a Democrat from one of Maine’s most conservative towns, has proven her electability by winning seats on the Cape Elizabeth Town Council and in the Maine House and the state Senate. She is indeed the first Cape Democrat in memory elected to the state Senate.

Maine’s Democrats would be well advised to nominate a successful woman, old enough to have raised two wonderful children, run a small business, successfully represented clients fighting injustice and served her community in a variety of elected offices, but also young enough to be a fresh voice serving Maine in the U.S. Senate for decades to come.

Notwithstanding Mr. Kesich’s cynicism, Sen. Dill’s candor will be a great asset come November. From the landslide elections of Sen. George Mitchell, who famously stood up to Oliver North’s mistaken piety, to more recent statewide elections and ultimately to Ron Paul’s narrow miss in Maine’s Republican caucuses, Mainers of both parties are proven admirers of straight talk, just one of the many virtues they will come to appreciate from Sen. Dill.

Edward S. MacColl is a resident of Cape Elizabeth.


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