Farmers Market now open

The Greater Gorham Farmers Market is now open for the season.

The farmers market will be held from 8 a.m. to noon Saturdays on the lawn next to Baxter Memorial Library.


Grant to aid financial literacy


Maine Initiatives, a foundation that funds social change organizations, has provided a $5,000 grant to support Community Financial Literacy.

The funds will support financial literacy courses for local refugees and immigrants.

For more information, call 797-7890 or go to www.cflmaine.org.

Foster Grandparent Program

The Opportunity Alliance’s Foster Grandparent Program is accepting applications from men and women 55 years of age and older interested in volunteering as a foster grandparent.

Volunteers would serve in classrooms under the guidance of teachers in schools and child development centers.


To learn more about the program, call 773-0202.


School staffers honored

Maine School Administrative District 6 recently honored longtime staffers for their 25 years of service and dedication to the school district and its students.

Among the honorees were bus drivers Cindy Payne, Roxanne Gervais and Debbie Bailey; teachers Carolyn Giberson, Elisabeth Bostwick, Linda Hunt, Caryn Hayden, Grace Davis, Debora DeLea, Sue Groover, Ann Edwards and Victoria Drew; mechanic Doug Havu; ed tech Laura Brockman; secretary Hedy Smith; speech therapist Lorelyn Jones and custodian Faye Derrow.



Craft fair applications available

The Vendredi Club of Casco is accepting applications of local, skilled artisans who wish to sell their wares at an annual craft fair, set for Nov. 3 at the Crooked River Adult & Community Education Center (formerly Crooked River Elementary School) on Route 11.

To register, call Paula Rancourt at 627-4426 or email pjgran@gmail.com.


Windjammer poster contest winner

Southport summer resident Pat Berger of Brookline, Mass., is the winner of the Boothbay Harbor Region Chamber of Commerce Windjammer Poster Contest.


Berger’s poster, an acrylic on canvas work of ships sailing into the inner harbor of Boothbay, will be auctioned off during Windjammer Days, set for June 24-27.

Copies of the poster will be available for sale at the Boothbay Harbor Region Chamber of Commerce offices and at the Whale Park at the Chamber tent during the festival. 

For more details, go to www.boothbayharbor.com.


Youth Advocate of the Year Award

Thornton Academy sophomore, Hattie Simon, has received the 2012 Eastern Regional Youth Advocate of the Year Award by The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids.


Simon, of Old Orchard Beach, receives the award for leading a two-year long advocacy effort that persuaded the Old Orchard Beach Town Council to vote unanimously to adopt a Tobacco-Free Beach Policy in late 2011.

Simon was nominated for the award by the Maine Youth Action Network.

She will receive a $2,500 scholarship and a $500 grant from The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids at a Youth Advocates of the Year Awards Gala on Thursday at The Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Washington, D.C.


Arbor Day celebration

Wells Elementary School in Teacher Henry Ingwersen’s class participated in the school’s premiere celebration of Arbor Day by planting a peach tree.


The Parent Teacher Student Association funded the purchase of the tree through a garden fund established to pay for future Arbor Day celebrations and plantings. 

Wells Junior High School has received $1,000 from Hannaford Supermarkets as a result of community participation in the annual Hannaford Helps Schools Program.  

Those funds will be applied to the school’s Lego robotics section of the STRETCH (Services to Reach Educationally Talented Children)  program.

School Committee election of Fox, Allen

The Wells-Ogunquit Community School District School Committee elected Russell Fox as chair and Diana Allen as vice chair for a one-year term each. 

The committee will hold its annual budget meeting at 7 p.m. on June 6 in the Olenn Auditorium at Wells High School. 


For more details, go to www.wocsd.org.


WindStorm Challenge results

Three Middle School of the Kennebunks seventh grade students placed third in the 2012 WindStorm Challenge held recently at the University of Maine in Orono. 

The team of Sabrina Cabral, Asia Kea and Gabriella Earnest competed against 34 other teams from across the state in grades 7 through 12. They were one of just two junior high teams to compete.

The WindStorm Challenge, sponsored by the University of Maine and the DeepCwind Consortium, incorporates science, technology, engineering and mathematics. It requires teams to design and build a 1:100 scale model of a platform designed to support a scale model version of a wind turbine like the ones being planned for the Gulf of Maine.


Students create blueprints for their design, build the model, calculate water displacement and mass values, test the model in water, produce a cost-analysis spreadsheet and create a presentation of their entire process. Then, they test it and trouble shoot any design flaws.

The Kennebunk High School Math Team recently placed fifth in the Maine Association of Math Leagues statewide competition among all Division A schools.

Of the 352 senior participants, student Sam Oransky placed eighth highest scoring individual and Christopher Dunn placed 19th.


Technology student awards

Biddeford Regional Center of Technology students Andrew Cote, from the Business & Financial Management program, and Bryce Fedder, from the Electrical Technology program, were named Students of the Month for March. 


Each received a TD Bank monetary award.


Humane Society fundraising results

A “Pints for Paws” fundraiser, co-sponsored by the Trackside Station Restaurant and Loyal Biscuit Co. in April, raised $3,600 for the Humane Society of Knox County.


Food pantry fundraiser


The St. Joseph Council, No. 12941, Knights of Columbus recently presented the Friends of Community Action Food Pantry with an $1,088 donation.

Those funds were raised by the Knights’ Meals Committee, the Daughters of Isabella, Circle No. 828 and private donations.


300 bags of trash collected

The town’s second annual Lebanon Pride Day included nearly 200 volunteers who took to the roadways to collect 300 bags of trash and about 100 tires that were strewn along the roadside. 
The big cleanup was followed by a free community barbecue for volunteers. The meal was sponsored by the Lebanon Rescue Corporation, residents and area businesses.

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