Two independent candidates have filed nomination papers to run for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Olympia Snowe, and neither is named Angus.

Steve Woods, chairman of the Yarmouth Town Council and a long-time business executive, turned in 4,047 signatures Tuesday, according to Megan Sanborn, spokeswoman for the Maine Secretary of State’s Office.

Danny Dalton of Bath, an apparent political newcomer, filed 4,134 sigantures on the May 18, Sanborn said.

Independent candidates who want to be on the Nov. 6 ballot must file at least 4,000 qualified signatures by 5 p.m. on June 1. That’s twice as many signatures as were required of the candidates running in the June 12 Republican and Democratic primaries.

Former Gov. Angus King, meanwhile, is expected to file his signatures next week. To read more about the independents, read our political blog, Open Season.


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