Just what Maine needs, another choral group, right? Well, yes. Vox Nova, which performed Sunday at Studzinski Recital Hall on the Bowdoin College campus, has an eclectic contemporary and international repertoire, and the quality of its singing puts it on an entirely different plane.

I have seldom heard a recital by any a cappella choir without a single miscue or tired arrangement, where the entire program maintained a high level of musicianship and excitement, and where the bass line was as powerful as New England’s first composer, William Billings, would have liked. (He thought basses should outnumber every other voice in the choir.)

Some of the works were fiendishly difficult, in polyrhythms, dissonant chords, voice glissandos and intricate part singing, but the choir made them sound easy. Their enjoyment of each work was infectious.

A full review will appear in the Portland Press Herald.

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