PORTLAND — Former Gov. Angus King released a list of 55 key supporters from around the state, including current and former legislators from both parties.

The list of King for Senate County Chairs includes 25 Democrats, 18 Republicans and 12 independents, according to the campaign. King is running as an independent for U.S. Senate.

State Rep. Anne Haskell, D-Portland, is on the list and joined King and others on the Maine State Pier today in a show of bipartisan support for the independent frontrunner.

Haskell, who worked on King’s staff during one of his terms as governor, publicly announced her support for King even though she is running as a Democrat for the Maine Senate. 

“There’s a difference between the Democratic Party and Democratic principles. I haven’t abandoned any of my Democratic principles to support this guy,” Haskell said.

Well-known Republicans on the list include George Smith, the former director of the Sportsmen’s Alliance of Maine, and Mary Black Andrews, a former legislator from York.

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