ORLANDO, Fla. — Trayvon Martin said “you’re going to die tonight” and slid his hand down George

Zimmerman’s body as they fought, reaching for the neighborhood watch volunteer’s handgun in the moments before the teenager was fatally shot,

Zimmerman says in his most detailed account yet.

The police recording, taken a day after the Feb. 26 shooting, was released today by Zimmerman’s attorney. It was made public about a week before his second bond hearing on second-degree murder charges, and on the heels of unflattering telephone calls capturing Zimmerman and his wife talking in code about using money collected for a defense fund to pay credit cards.

In the video, Zimmerman re-enacts the fight and says he grabbed the gun from a holster on his waist before Martin could get it and shot him once in the chest. After firing, Zimmerman said initially thought he missed because Martin didn’t fall over.

“He sat up and said, ‘You got me. You got me, or something like that,'” Zimmerman said.

Zimmerman said Martin had been on top of him, slamming his head against the ground and smothering his mouth and nose with his hand and arm. The tape shows two butterfly bandages on the back of Zimmerman’s head and another on his nose. There are red marks on the front of his head.

“It felt like my head was going to explode,” he said.

Zimmerman claims he shot the teen in self-defense, under Florida’s “stand your ground” law.

Martin’s parents have said Zimmerman was the aggressor. They said Martin was walking back from a convenience store through the gated community in Sanford when Zimmerman spotted the black teenager and started following him. They claim their son was racially profiled.

Zimmerman’s father is white and his mother Hispanic.

The parents’ attorney Ben Crump couldn’t immediately be reached for comment.

Orlando-area defense attorney David Hill, who has no connection to the case, said Zimmerman comes across as “a reasonable guy” in the video and not the zealous “cop-wannabe” that Martin’s parents have portrayed him.

“He came across as being straight-forward,” Hill said after reviewing the video. “It doesn’t hurt him.”

Zimmerman’s second bond hearing will be June 29. His $150,000 bond was revoked earlier this month after prosecutors said Zimmerman and his wife, Shellie, misled the court about how much money they had available for bail.

During the hearing, Shellie Zimmerman testified that they had limited funds since she was a fulltime student and Zimmerman wasn’t working. Prosecutors say they had raised about $135,000 from a website set up for his legal defense at the time of the April hearing. Shellie Zimmerman was charged last week with making a false statement.

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