Managing Editor Robert Long’s name rarely
makes it into print in The Times Record but nearly every word of local
news has his name behind it. Today’s edition is the last to be printed
under his guidance as he moves on from the paper he has edited since

Many casual readers of The Times Record may
not recognize Robert’s name, but have almost certainly felt his impact.
During difficult financial times for nearly all media organizations —
and arguably for print publications most of all — Robert held strong to
his guiding belief that The Times Record should promote local news and
photographs above all else.

At a time when the easier solution to
filling each day’s newspaper would have been to turn mostly to national
and international news, which is nearly limitless and provided by wire
services, Robert continued to push his staff of journalists, editors and
page designers to deliver relevant and high-quality stories and
pictures from the Mid-coast area.

Perhaps more difficult to quantify is
Robert’s touch in managing The Times Record’s newsroom team. Robert is
realistic and flexible, but still motivates journalists to do their best
work. These qualities led this newspaper to two straight Top 3 finishes
in the Maine Press Association’s General Excellence award category in
recent years.

Robert’s own skill as a writer could be seen
in The Times Record almost every day, however anonymously, as the pen —
or keyboard — behind a number of awardwinning newspaper editorials.

His impact as a mentor for aspiring
professionals, and in the field of journalism in Maine, cannot be
overstated, and he remains a valuable sounding board and trusted coach,
even for former newsroom workers and interns who have gone on to win
awards, join larger media outlets, and pursue ambitious careers in
politics, theater and law.

Now, Robert is moving on. We wish him the best of luck, and look forward to working with him in the future.

current and former staff of The Times Record newsroom including George
Almasi, Troy R. Bennett, Beth Brogan, Bob Conn, Darren Fishell, Patrick
Gabrion, Seth Koenig, Daryl Madore and Darcie Moore.

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