POLAND SPRING — The Poland Spring Preservation Society will host a concert by the Mollyockett Chorus will at 7 p.m. Monday at the All Souls Chapel, 37 Preservation Way.

The Mollyockett Chorus of Sweet Adeline International includes women from Oxford, Androscoggin and Cumberland counties. They sing a cappella in four-part harmony and their repertoire includes ballads, show tunes and popular music.

For more information about Mollyockett Chorus, visit www.mollyockettchorus.org.

Tickets cost $7.50. Society members will be seated at 6:25 p.m. The public can enter at 6:30 p.m.

All proceeds benefit the preservation and restoration of the Maine State Building and All Souls Chapel, both of which are listed on the National Registry of Historic Places.

For more information, call 998-4142 or visit www.polandspringps.org.

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