The Portland Press Herald reported that Presumpscot and Hall elementary schools in Portland did not make adequate yearly progress and have entered continuous improvement priority school status for 2012-13 (“Two city schools fail to meet testing targets again,” Aug. 18).

As with any discussion of school performance, we should consider the context and most current data available.

Since the 2010-2011 data cited in the article, Portland Public Schools has reviewed preliminary results from the 2011-12 state assessments. Based on our analysis, we anticipate that seven schools — Cliff Island, East End, King, Longfellow, Ocean Avenue, Peaks Island and Riverton — will make AYP and will not face sanctions next year.

This represents 44 percent of the district’s schools, an increase from the 25 percent cited in the article.

Portland’s schools have a history of improvement. Reiche Elementary and King Middle schools were two of the first schools in Maine to move into CIPS status in 2004-05. Through professional development, curriculum alignment and improvements to instruction, both schools exited sanctions and consistently make AYP.

The turnaround work at Riverton and East End schools also has produced dramatic student growth. We’ve provided our students with effective instruction, offered coaching for teachers and engaged with families and our community. As a result, both schools showed strong improvement on the 2011-12 state assessments, and both schools are making AYP.


We look forward to the state’s release of official AYP results in September. As we continue to develop ways of meaningfully measuring student achievement and growth, we support the state’s work to submit a waiver that would allow flexibility in No Child Left Behind’s accountability requirements.

In the meantime, we will continue to utilize the CIPS process as an opportunity to provide focused and effective support for our students, staff and families.

David Galen is chief academic officer for the Portland Public Schools.


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