I am writing as a longtime resident and taxpayer in Falmouth, and as someone eager to create more jobs and opportunities for the people of Maine. Having read about the TideSmart sign matter, and then watched the Falmouth Town Council in its prolonged harangue, I was incredulous and totally disappointed at how several councilors handled this issue.

For the council to spend over 40 minutes chastising and disparaging a local businessman who has made a substantial commitment to our town, only for having letters on his sign that are one inch shorter than the town wants, is a rather terrifying example of government overreach.

Without knowing all the inside conversations about this, Falmouth should be proud to have a magnificent property on Route 1, employing many local residents, a property that has sprung from a long abandoned and overgrown parcel. And we now have a local businessman who Councilor Chris Orestis wants to “punish.”

In sharp contrast, we also now have a neighboring town, Cumberland, which the state has just named as “business friendly.” If Falmouth wants to grow its business base to reduce our residential property taxes, a few of our councilors should consider an “attitude adjustment.” My own attitude is that these folks should stop spending my tax dollars “sending messages” and trying to “punish” well-intentioned job providers. They should encourage businesses to open in Falmouth. See for yourself, watch the council in action on Community TV. Ironic, I’m a former Latin teacher, and community is defined as “building together.”

Godfrey Wood

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