Brunswick police and fire and rescue responded to four separate medical emergencies Saturday night and early Sunday morning that resulted in four Bowdoin College students going to Parkview Adventist Medical Center for intoxication.

Brunswick Fire and Rescue was called to Coleman Hall off South Campus Drive Saturday at 8:52 p.m. An 18-yearold male college student was transported to the Parkview emergency room as a result of intoxication, Deputy Chief Marc Hagan of the Brunswick Police Department said.

A minute later, at 8:53 p.m., another ambulance responded to a second medical emergency at a residence at 98 Union St. From there, Hagan said another 18-year-old intoxicated male was transported to Parkview. Today, the teen’s name was not available but Hagan said he was issued a summons for a minor in possession of alcohol through consumption. A 21-year-old male — also a Bowdoin student — was summonsed for allowing a minor to consume or possess alcohol, Hagan said, but more information was not available Tuesday.

Rescue personnel went to Chamberlain Hall off South Street at 11:44 p.m. Saturday and to the Ladd House on College Street Sunday at 12:05 a.m. and in both instances transported an intoxicated 19- year-old female to Parkview Adventist Medical Center.

Brunswick Police Department procedure mandates that officers respond to all alcohol-related rescue calls.

Scott Hood, vice president for communications and public affairs for Bowdoin College, said Tuesday that Bowdoin students who choose to drink alcohol in violation of the law do so at their own risk.

“We are an educational institution and our job is to shine a light on this and make sure we’re doing all we can to promote health, safety and personal responsibility, and there are consequences when this kind of thing happens,” Hood said.

Hood added that underage drinking is a problem that Bowdoin and other colleges inherit as data shows nearly 90 percent of students, “not just here but elsewhere, have begun to drink before their 19th birthday, so this is a problem we inherit and we make very clear we don’t condone this and we hold students responsible for their actions.”

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